Mass Healing of Hacked Websites – Fast & Automated

Ideal for: Web Hosting Providers, IT Security Firms, Website Owners

Problem: Malware Infections Affecting Multiple Sites

A security breach or a mass malware infection can cause severe disruptions, leading to data loss, reputational damage, and customer distrust.

Solution: Automated Malware Detection & Removal

Microdevops deploys automated security solutions to detect and eliminate threats at scale, restoring all affected websites quickly.

Key Features:

  • Automated Scanning & Cleanup using AI-driven malware detection
  • Firewall Hardening & Intrusion Prevention
  • Secure Backup & Rollback Systems
  • 24/7 Threat Monitoring & Alerts


  • All affected websites restored within hours, not days
  • Enhanced protection against future threats
  • No need for manual intervention in most cases