- The repository of our own infrastructure code is now being templated as other salt repositories – we are preparing to migrate to this repository.
- A significant part of the client salt code is migrated to dedicated repositories.
- Fixed many bugs in the formula, for example: arm architecture salt.minion, windows salt.minion, windows heartbeat_mesh.sender.
- We made a variant with dynamic formation of the IP list when using a firewall, for example with CF.
- Rewritten ufw state:
- works directly with user.rules
- therefore, all manually created rules are wiped when applied
- does nothing in the absence of rule changes, there are no empty command executions for each rule
- imports pillars from ufw_simple to ufw if the required pillar key is present
- pillar for 10,000 rules applied from scratch in 2 minutes
- consequent apply of the pillar for 10,000 rules – 21 seconds
- if you connect the pillar – ufw.import_ufw_simple – a new state starts working (because the ufw pillar will appear)
- ufw_simple will stop working (updated that it is deactivated when ufw pillar is present)
- ufw will pull up the pillars ufw_simple